Global NATO - the threat to war summit
 June 13-14th
As NATO Heads of State meet in Brussels next month, join the No to War - No to NATO network’s online counter-summit on June 13-14th.

NATO continues its global military expansionism with a new dangerous focus on China and the Asia Pacific. We need to get our message heard loud and clear: we demand global cooperation to deal with the climate crisis, pandemics and inequality, not nuclear rearmament and a global war drive.

Please join the online counter-summit, to discuss action and alternatives.

You can find full details of the counter-summit here.
Resist G7: what you can do
The G7 states are some of the biggest military spenders, including nuclear-armed powers. They are meeting in Cornwall from June 11th to 13th and CND is part of the Resist G7 Coalition - local, national and international groups who’ve come together to build resistance and positive alternatives to the G7: against militarism and nuclear rearmament - for peace and justice.

Can you help our work?
Take a selfie showing why you resist the G7. Send to [email protected].

Social media
Follow Resist G7 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Share their posts and write your own about why you oppose the G7, using the hashtag #ResistG7

Put these dates in your diary:
11 June – Climate day of action
12 June – International justice day of action with protest called by RG7
13 June – Repression and surveillance day of action

If you can't get to Cornwall organise a local protest or event.

More information on Resist G7’s website.
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