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Weekend Edition, May 29-30, 2021

World-Renowned Academic Physician Blows Lid Off Covid Vaccines


Millions of Face Masks Officially Declared Dangerous

Jon Rappoport

The Real Pandemic Purposely Caused by the Fake Pandemic

Gary D. Barnett

National Horror Story Hour

James Howard Kunstler

Here Are Some Words of Deep Wisdom About Vaccines from a Wide-Awake Independent Health Practitioner Who Requests Anonymity

Gary G. Kohls, MD

Are Covid Vaccines a Good Bet?

L. Reichard White

When ‘Assistance’ Stops ‘Assisting’

Eric Peters

Just Who Made Obama’s Birth Certificate an Issue?

Jack Cashill

The More Corrupt the State, the More Numerous the Laws

Nick Giambruno

They Want You Dead

Dr. Mark Sircus

Claims to Fame

Theodore Dalrymple

How Covid Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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