The American Mind’s Weekly Digest 
The American Body
Ross Hunt identifies a persistent and pernicious trend toward mere survivalism at the expense of physical health.

Helen Roy, Peachy Keenan, Sierra Weir, Spencer Klavan, Micah Meadowcroft, Alex Kaschuta, Faith Moore, and Thaddeus respond.
Red Lines
Michael Anton
The Constitution invites us—and politics compels us—to consider redrawing state and local borders.
Woke Imperialism
Nate Hochman
America’s new cultural export is critical race theory.
Why Jews Are Confused
Joel Kotkin and Ed Heyman
Assailed from two sides, American Jewry is having an acute crisis of identity.
Gulag Reverie
Present Witness
Dreaming of an implausible future.
Baby Bust
Rebecca L. Heinrichs
Declining American fertility signals a psychological cost for women.
Lying Liberals
Auguste Meyrat
Don’t hate the left for believing the tripe they’ve been fed.
Hollowed Out
Derek Archer
The armed forces are now a vehicle for the advancement of an agenda of social justice.
Build Your Own America
David Reaboi
Stop yelling stop, and start getting to work with your friends.
Why Is Everything Liberal?
Richard Hanania
Cardinal Preferences Explain Why All Institutions are Woke.
The Rise of Corporate-State Tyranny
Joel Kotkin
The Roundtable Episode #71
A miracle has occurred! Suddenly, the media is warming to the idea that COVID might have leaked from a Wuhan biolab—an idea which, just last year, they condemned as dangerous conspiracy. But of course that has nothing to do with President Biden having won the election. Surely not. Nor, certainly, is the “January 6 Commission” a cynical power play by house Democrats. Our editors discuss what all this is really about.