Ted Deutch Our Congressman
Ted, with the FEC deadline coming up we need to get busy raising $.
Brandey, Finance Director
Gotcha. When is our deadline and how much do we need to raise?
Rep. Ted Deutch
The deadline is midnight on Monday. Look, I am very worried about redistricting because the GOP will control the entire process in Florida. To be safe we need to raise $10,000.
Brandey, Finance Director
Rep. Ted Deutch
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Brandey, Finance Director
That’s great! Republicans may be targeting my seat but I am committed to fighting for the people of Florida.
Rep. Ted Deutch
Brandey, Finance Director
I know our supporters can do this. I can’t wait to show my opponents the real strength of our grassroots supporters.
Rep. Ted Deutch





Paid for and Authorized by Ted Deutch for Congress Campaign

Ted Deutch for Congress Campaign
7900 Glades Road, Suite 255
Boca Raton FL 33434 United States