
In just a minute, I will ask you to chip in a donation to help us reach our critical end-of-month goal in three days. But first, can I explain why your support is so important — especially today?

To be blunt, our fundraising for the first few months of 2021 has been rough. Look, we expected that. Folks have tuned out now that we’ve flipped Colorado’s Senate seat and secured a Democratic majority in Congress.

But Mitch McConnell isn’t slowing down. He’s speeding up. If we lose just one seat next year, he’ll be back in charge blocking all of our progress. That’s why we cannot afford to be complacent right now.

We need to prove that our momentum last year wasn’t just a fluke. We need to show the country just how strong our Democratic majority is — and that starts with reaching our end-of-month goal on Monday.

If you can, please make a contribution today to help us raise the resources we need to protect our Democratic Senate majority. Anything you can give before our deadline makes a difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for everything. I know a lot of my colleagues in Washington don’t have the luxury of relying on a grassroots team like this — and I’m so grateful for your support.

— John