Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:
The Racial Justice Working Group recently held a fantastic event with a presenter from DASHR (Denver Alliance For Street Health Response) speaking about how they recently managed to start a community crisis response program. This is the same type of program that we have been promoting, modeled on CAHOOTS in Eugene, Oregon. The basic concept is that not every 911 call requires a cop or an ambulance. Sometimes a van with a social worker and a medic is just right, with less cost, and more help where it's needed.
Lydia has edited the event so it's only 34 minutes long, and it's well worth watching. Click here to view it.
If you want to join the Racial Justice Working Group to help spread the word and see this through, email Lydia at [email protected] . Non-members are welcome to participate.

In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary