
Before the holiday weekend hits, I wanted to reach out with an update on our May goal — we’re still $1,091 behind.

In the next few weeks, millions of people across the country will be voting in local primary elections. This moment is exactly why #VOTEPROCHOICE exists. If the Supreme Court is going to rob us of our reproductive freedom, then we must secure that freedom at the ballot box.

Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance because of an overly funded, extreme anti-choice minority that is committed to controlling our body autonomy.

But we can fight back. We’re just days out from our end-of-month fundraising goal, so if you’re able, please contribute today to ensure that we can continue to elect prochoice candidates who will fight for reproductive freedom.


Success in state and local elections means the difference between body autonomy or oppressive, state-controlled reproductive health. One of our most foundational freedoms — the right to decide whether, when, or how to build a family — is at stake.

Thanks for all you do,

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It’s been one week since news broke that the Supreme Court of the United States will hear a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade. We’re planning for anything — especially since the court is stacked with conservative, anti-abortion judges.

At #VOTEPROCHOICE we have always been clear: Reproductive freedom and abortion access is an issue that affects everyone. As reproductive justice advocates remind us, “everyone loves someone who’s had an abortion.” It's about freedom, control, how and when you build a family, and the ability to raise them in a safe, healthy environment.

Our critical work to elect prochoice champions up and down the ballot who will do everything they can to protect Roe v. Wade is one important piece — which is why it’s more important than ever that we hit every goal we’re up against.

Our team has $2,105 left to raise this month, and if everyone reading this right now chipped in just $5, we would hit our goal early. John, can you contribute today?

We know what a post-Roe country looks like. States like Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and more have shuttered clinics, forcing people to cross state lines, miss work, and jump through hoops to get an abortion.

People in states like these know too well the harm that abortion bans have. They’re counting on us to elect prochoice champions to fight back and restore reproductive health access.

But fighting back takes real resources to reach more voters and to support more candidates than ever before.

This work takes all of us, and your support right now could have a big impact on the kind of program we’re able to build to fight back. John, contribute to support this critical work today.

In solidarity,

Heidi L. Sieck


Copyright © 2021 #VOTEPROCHOICE, All rights reserved.
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#VOTEPROCHOICE is electing a new class of prochoice champions to fight for our autonomy to control our own bodies. Every elected official must protect reproductive freedom. If you want to support our work to elect prochoice champions at every level and empower prochoice voters to elect candidates who truly represent our values of full personal body autonomy, please make a contribution today!

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 1452
New York, NY 10276-1452

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