Only with our supporters onboard will we demand that people and planet are put first, by electing more Greens to Parliament.



Last week, we said that when Greens come together, we're unstoppable and we mean it.


In these elections, more people than ever before stood together for social and environmental justice, making England and Wales the Greenest it's been.


We unseated the main parties across England because of you. Our movement is entirely people powered.


Only with our supporters onboard will we demand that people and planet are put first, by electing more Greens to Parliament. That's why we're asking you to become a Green Friend.


Like Caroline Lucas says in the video below, we don't have the support of unions or other vested interests. We rely on you to make Parliament Green too -- are you in?


Thank you for your support.


-- Green Team


P.S. Because we aren't funded by large corporations or unions, our policies are free from their influence. But that means we have to ask for your help from time to time. Are you able to support us as we work to get more Greens elected to Parliament?