
Imagine walking down the street knowing anyone you pass might be carrying a hidden gun. Now imagine they're carrying that firearm without ever needing to tell law enforcement. Without swift action, this could be our new reality in Pennsylvania.

After less than an hour of deliberation, a group of Harrisburg legislators decided to endanger Pennsylvanian families and move permitless carry to a full floor vote.

Worse, they also approved a bill to enact punitive preemption, which would let anyone — including the NRA or Gun Owners of America — sue local officials who try to stop the violence, forcing local taxpayers to pick up the bill.

Time starts now to tell Representatives to vote NO on this deadly duo of proposed gun laws.

We know these bills are dangerous because similar laws have increased violence in other states. Arizona experienced a 44% increase in aggravated assaults committed with a firearm in the six years after enacting permitless carry in 2010. And after Missouri lowered the minimum age to 19 for concealed carry, firearm suicide increased 7.2% among people aged 19 to 24.

Even law enforcement has warned against permitless carry, which would make their job to protect and serve more difficult. And punitive preemption would put local taxpayers on the line to cover costs of NRA-backed lawsuits against gun safety measures. We shouldn’t be helping a bankrupt organization capitalize on violent crimes.

Now is not the time to be removing the few safeguards we do have in place against gun violence. Tell your State Representative: Vote NO on H.B. 659 and H.B. 979, and prioritize the safety of Pennsylvanians.

Adam Garber
Executive Director CeaseFirePA

P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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