Potential Victory! UNICEF Report Dismissing Pornography's Harms to Children Removed from Site

Recently, the international child welfare agency UNICEF published a report which caused widespread concern amongst child safety experts and advocates. UNICEF stated, “the evidence is inconsistent, and there is currently no universal agreement on the nature and extent of the harm caused to children by viewing content classified as pornography.”

In response to this troubling report, we coordinated a joint letter to UNICEF, signed by 487 child safety experts and advocates from 26 countries. We called on UNICEF to review the overwhelming body of research which proves pornography does in fact cause harm to children and update their own report in response.

Since the sending of the joint letter, UNICEF removed the report from their website.

Victory! The harmful messaging UNICEF’s report contains is no longer being publicized. We are hopeful that this means they are editing the report to take into account the research that we brought to their attention.

Save the Date! CESE Online Global Summit Coming July 20–24

Join the worldwide network of people passionate about ending exploitation at the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Global Summit this July. IT'S FREE TO ATTEND AND ONLINE! 

We already have quite the impressive lineup of researchers, survivors, educators, issue experts, and more ready to share their knowledge and experience. You can see the speakers and read more about the event here.

We’ve seen the power a collective movement can have on corporations, legislation, and the public. The movement against sexual exploitation needs your voice!

Ending Sexploitation Podcast: Analyzing Law Enforcement, Sex Trafficking, and Race

Dr. Stephany Powell joins to share about her unique insight into the world of sexual exploitation and trafficking gained through her thirty years with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), coupled with her time serving survivors and advocating for vital policy reforms.

Dr. Powell recently contributed to a book titled “Teaching Beautiful Brilliant Black Girls.” Her chapter addressed myths around the commercial sexual exploitation of African American girls, and she elaborates on these themes in the podcast episode.

Available on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and YouTube.

Canada Introduces Bill to Confront Lack of Age and Consent Verification in Online Pornography

 We support the efforts of Canadian MP Arnold Viersen to hold the pornography industry accountable by enacting stringent age and consent verification standards.

“The pornography industry systemically fails to verify age or consent of the individuals depicted in sexually-explicit material—leading to horrific trauma for survivors of sex trafficking, child sexual abuse, and non-consensually shared/recorded intimate images as their sexual exploitation is viewed around the world. It is time for a paradigm shift, and for survivors to be heard.”

~ Dani Pinter, senior legal counsel

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