Inside this issue• Ladauto Si' Action Platform Launches• Legislative Updates• Tragic Shooting at San Jose Rail Yard• Report on LA Catholics' Ministerial Impact• SoCal Priests Celebrating Masses for U
 Inside this issue

  Ladauto Si' Action Platform Launches  

The Vatican announced a new Action Platform this week, a collaboration between the Vatican, an international coalition of Catholic organizations, and "all men and women of goodwill" to respond to Laudato Si', Pope Francis' encyclical on caring for our common home.

At its completion, the platform will comprise three elements: Laudato Si' Plans to map your journey, practical guidance on ways to take action, and resources to develop trusted communities of practice. Plans help you discern and implement your response to Laudato Si' through a process-oriented approach that can be adapted to the needs of your institution, community, or family. 

In 2019, the California Conference of Catholic Bishops released a pastoral statement, On Care for Our Common Home, to celebrate the fourth anniversary of Ladauto Si', committing action to protect environmental protection and justice. The Laudato Si' Action Platform will be launched in stages throughout 2021 and 2022. For more information or to register, click here



  Legislative Updates  

Last week's news that legislators can only move 12 bills, coupled with the upcoming deadline for bills to be passed out of their house of origin on June 4, has put extra frenzy on the work being done in the Capitol's walls. In addition, the legislature is intensely discussing budget priorities since a budget has to be presented to the Governor by June 15th.  The conference has priorities in education, economic justice, food security, homelessness and rental assistance, immigration and mental health.

Please keep close watch as we continue to fight SB 380 and SB 245, the physician-assisted suicide and taxpayer-funded abortion bills, respectively. It will take a significant, concentrated, and consistent effort to impact this legislation.  Please click here to send alerts to lawmakers to reject these bills.  



  Tragic Shooting at San Jose Rail Yard  

Early Wednesday morning, a gunman opened fire on his co-workers at a rail yard in San Jose, murdering eight people and critically injuring another before taking his own life. 

Diocese of San Jose Bishop Oscar Cantú issued a statement, asking that "shock [&] grief give way to grace and resolve, as we work together to protect the innocent and prevent such senseless acts in the future, so that peace may prevail in our hearts and communities."

Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and Bishop David P. Talley of Memphis and chairman of the USCCB's Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs issued a call for prayers and unity in fostering a culture that rejects all forms of hatred.

"This shooting reminds us once again that something fundamentally broken in our society and culture must be courageously examined and addressed so that ordinary places no longer become scenes of violence and contempt for human life. It is particularly tragic that in a city named in honor of Saint Joseph, who was such a loving guardian of the Holy Family, we are unable to protect our own fellow citizens from the ravages of gun violence," the Bishops said. 



  Report on LA Catholics' Ministerial Impact  

The Los Angeles Archdiocese has released its LA Catholics Make An Impact report, detailing the work that the area's 4.5 million Catholics, 287 parishes, and 265 schools have made over the last year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Highlights include allocating more than $10 million to help families in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barabara Counties and providing close to four million social services to community members. 

This report is similar to others released by dioceses throughout the state. Check with your local diocese for more information. 



  SoCal Priests Celebrating Masses for Unaccompanied Migrant Children  

Last month, California Catholic Conference President and San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy recounted his visit to the San Diego Convention Center and how he was moved by the faith of the hundreds of unaccompanied minors being housed there. 

This week, Los Angeles priests have begun celebrating weekend Masses for unaccompanied migrant children housed at federal emergency shelters in Long Beach and Pomona.

"My heart breaks for what these children have been through, and I want to help them any way I can," said Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop David O'Connell, who celebrated the first Sunday Mass for newly arrived children in Pomona on May 9.

Continue Reading



  Anniversary of George Floyd's Death  

This past Tuesday marked the one-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis. 

Floyd's death spurred protests around the country and prompted ongoing police reform debates and initiatives. The California Catholic Conference of Bishops began a year-long listening journey, meeting with African American Catholic leaders to more fully understand the extent and nature of the sin of racism in ourselves, our Church, and our nation. 

Diocese of Fresno Bishop Joseph Brennan penned an op-ed where he discussed "the notion that we are not where we used to be, the fact remains that we are not where we ought to be."

Bishops from throughout California released a video reenacting the Stations of the Cross to draw attention to the sin of racism and ask God's help in eliminating it.

The Bishops Anti-Racism Task Force continues its work helping dioceses and parishes understand the issue of racism and our role in overcoming prejudice and discrimination.



May 28, 2021
Vol. 14 No. 20

California Catholic Conference

 En Español




"The Holy Spirit is the Gift of God who helps us to be free people, people who want and know how to love, people who understand that life is a mission to proclaim the wonders that the Lord accomplishes in those who trust in him." @Pontifex






In the News

How Your Church Can Help With the Mental Health Crisis

USCCB Condemns Recent Rise in Anti-Semitic Incidents

Mississippi Abortion Case Explained


Memorial Day

No one has greater love than this, than to lay down one's life for one's friends. -John 15:13

May we celebrate and honor those who have served our country with their lives this Memorial Holiday. 


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