Dear Supporter,
This week, Sentry Co-Founder John Prendergast testified before the US House Foreign Affairs Committee as part of Congress' efforts to improve US sanctions programs. Drawing on The Sentry's positive experiences in South Sudan and the DRC, John emphasized the power of targeted network sanctions to provide leverage against corrupt actors and their international collaborators. He also highlighted why US sanctions have not always had the desired impact in places like Sudan and Zimbabwe and how sanctions can be deployed more effectively going forward.
“When deployed thoughtfully and intentionally, and implemented robustly with partners, sanctions can go a long way in bringing about real leverage for US diplomatic efforts to support peace, human rights, and good governance across the African continent.” - John Prendergast
You can watch the hearing here, or read more about sanctions in Africa in yesterday's Financial Times article featuring John Prendergast.
At The Sentry, we understand the importance of changing the cost-benefit calculations of leaders benefiting from a deadly status quo. Targeted network sanctions and other tools of financial pressure have the power to change that equation. We thank you for your continued support as we remain committed to uncovering and countering corrupt networks around the world.
Thank you,
Ian Schwab
Chief of Staff
The Sentry
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