Big banks need to #CancelTheDebt
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Hi friend,
This morning HSBC held its Annual General Meeting in person, at the South Bank in London.
Over 13,000 of us have written to their CEO Noel Quinn, calling on them to #CancelTheDebt - so this morning, along with some friends, we wanted to check the message was getting through…
HSBC has made $11.3 billion in profit during the pandemic– which is more than enough to vaccinate the entire African continent against Covid-19.
Tell HSBC to #CancelTheDebt ([link removed])
They’ll say that they have donated $25 million to the international medical response, but they won’t say that they are set to receive ten times that amount back in debt repayments from just five countries.
Debt cancellation is the quickest way to ensure that lower-income countries have the resources they need to respond and recover from the pandemic. Yet so far, despite other lenders, including rich countries, already agreeing to suspend debt payments, most banks are yet to act.
You can help get the message across by writing to the CEO of HSBC and other banks.
Add my name to the call ([link removed])
As ever, stay safe and best wishes,
Zak, Eva, Jerome and everyone at Jubilee Debt Campaign
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