Hi John,

Nick’s email earlier this week about Arthur has sparked a deluge of thank you messages to this antifascist hero. I’ve been reading through and wanted to share a few.

Thank you for your bravery, courage and strength in fighting against fascism and the BNP. I don't know where we'd be without people like you in the struggle against hate - we cannot thank you enough! I am so grateful.
Wan Y, Bristol

Arthur – you’re a hero. Thank you for your bravery and your dedication to the antifascist cause. You are an inspiration. I’m so glad that you are being recognised.
Frances O’Grady, TUC

Thank you Arthur, what you have done for the fight against fascism is nothing short of amazing.  My grandmother was a holocaust survivor, she had nightmares till the day she died.  I've tried to support anti fascist/racist organisations for most of my life, way back to Rock Against Racism in the 70's but I don't think I could ever have had the courage to do what you have done. Thank you.
Nigel B, Eardisley

We’re collating all of the hundreds of messages for Arthur over the next few days. Would you like to add your thanks?



PS: Nick Lowles is publishing a book about Arthur and his incredible time undercover inside the BNP. It’s out next month but we’re sending a FREE copy to anyone who becomes a member over the next few days. Join here.