$5 powers 100 conversations––seriously.

Chipping in just 5 bucks powers 100 conversations––and that gives us the opportunity to get 100 people signed up for their COVID-19 vaccine appointments.

If you've ever doubted that your support doesn't matter, let me be the first to tell you that it does. $5 powers 100 conversations––and $50 powers 1,000.

Before our May deadline, can you chip in to help us send more texts & get more folks vaccinated?
Chip in before our crucial May deadline »
As more grassroots donations come in, we're able to partner with more organizations in more states to get more folks vaccinated, especially in underserved & marginalized communities.

But what our next month looks like depends on how much we raise from supporters like you. Can you chip in $5 today to power 100 conversations?
Chip in before our crucial May deadline »
Our entire team is working tirelessly to expand this program, and we're counting on your help to keep us going. I'm so grateful for all you do to support Let's Protect. 💪

––Chris Donato, Senior Organizing Manager
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