John, adding your name could make all the difference.
The Trump administration and Mitch McConnell spent the last four years stealing Supreme Court seats and stacking the Court with right-wing ideologues who have made the Court too partisan and too political. To restore balance, we need every Democrat in Congress to work together to pass the Judiciary Act and expand the Court by four seats.
Add your name to this letter to demand a meeting with your elected officials.
During these meetings, we’ll discuss with members of Congress the urgent need to pass the Judiciary Act to save our Supreme Court from its ultra-conservative supermajority. Don’t worry, we’ll provide you with all the resources you need to really make an impact. Add your name now!
Tamara Brummer
Senior Advisor for Engagement & Outreach
Demand Justice
Demand Justice is leading the fight to reclaim our courts. With a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate, we can add four seats to the Supreme Court and confirm justices who will safeguard our democracy and our rights. Are you with us? Rush a donation to fund this fight!