Big news from C6 HQ, team!
We’re ready to start endorsing candidates for the 2022 election cycle. As a top C6 Project supporter, we will always include you in our decision making process. And always, we will be as transparent as possible about big decisions. Take our 30-second poll and help us choose who to endorse >>>
So, what exactly does an endorsement include?
When we endorse a candidate, we’re giving them our financial support and political support. This means they can come to us for campaign advice, climate change questions, and help with big decisions.
How do we choose candidates?
We’ve narrowed down a top list based on the following criteria: Competitiveness of the race Commitment to sustainability, building a clean economy, and creating green jobs.
We’ve narrowed the endorsement pool down to:
🌎Andy Kim (NJ-03)
🌎Katie Porter (CA-45)
🌎 Lauren Underwood (IL-14)
🌎 Sharice Davids (KS-03)
🌎 Mark Kelly (Sen-AZ)
Who do you choose? Make your pick in our 30-second survey >>>
Thanks for your help!
The C6 Project