Statism is the acceptance of ideas so unpopular they need to be mandatory in order to work. There is no better example of a misguided statist idea than a vaccine passport scheme. It’s such a bad policy that many in the federal government have denied wanting a vaccine passport, even if it would make their rich cronies in Big Pharma even bigger sums of money. Instead, the statists are counting on the private sector, led by giant corporate operations, to roll it out and not give the average person a choice on opting out of the experimental COVID shot . . . if they want to participate in society! We sent out a survey to see where you stood on vaccine passports and the results were overwhelming: YOU agree with us at Campaign for Liberty -- they should be completely rejected in a free
society. Patriot, now it’s time for Congress to act. With airlines, sports teams, and even the state of Oregon experimenting with a health certificate proving you’ve received the COVID shot through a vaccine passport smartphone app or other approved documents, it won’t be long before the federal government moves to either create a federal passport or offer states “incentives” to create one under “federally approved guidelines.” They will claim fifty different sets of laws creates too much confusion. That’s why it’s critical you and I take action against this tyranny NOW -- before it’s too late! Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators and Representative demanding they pass legislation to ban any federal vaccine passport scheme. ![]() Once you’ve signed, please consider chipping in $35, $75, or even $100 to help Campaign for Liberty’s efforts to ban vaccine passports nationwide. How real is a vaccine passport? Canadian officials have announced that travelers coming into the country will have to use an electronic vaccine passport app to prove their vaccination status. The state of Hawaii has issued a mandate limiting movement between islands -- travelers will have to use their vaccine passport app, called “Hawaii Safe Travels.” The European Union is rushing to implement a vaccine passport in order for Americans to travel to the E.U. and news reports say, “The U.S. is being closely consulted on the European passport, so any future American system will likely use similar protocols.” Even U.S.-based airlines are starting to use a system called “Verifly,” which requires travelers to upload vaccination documents in order to meet travel requirements for international flights. This is in place right now, so the immediate question is how long before this requirement is in place to fly from “COVID hot spots” within the U.S., all according to the bogus and overstated coronavirus case counts? Don’t believe the denials President Biden and his administration have flip-flopped on the issue, but last said through his mouthpieces he has no plans for a federal vaccine passport, which sounds plausible given they want to hide behind the private sector rollout. The issue with accepting that statement at face value is these same statists will inevitably come back later and vow to do the opposite to clear up all the confusion of multiple systems and in order to enforce one uniform policy. This is all coming to a head very quickly. The health bureaucrats, like Dr. Anthony Fauci and those at the CDC, are quickly losing credibility, so there’s a very short window of time to get corporations to buy in to vaccine passports while the public is still frightened. Sign the petition to DEMAND that Congress ban federal vaccine passport schemes immediately! Then, please consider chipping in $35, $75, or even $100 to give Campaign for Liberty the resources needed to fight this medical tyranny. Elitist technocrats like the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Klaus Schwab want to transform our world into what can only be described as a dystopian nightmare. The linchpin in his global scheme is the vaccine passport because it ties your medical data to everything you buy, everywhere you go, and everyone you spend time with. That means health tyrants are coming to make the loss of medical freedom a permanent change . . . before the rest of the country wises up! While millions of Americans are not fully sold on this vaccine, I fear that many of them could be coerced into taking this experimental shot if they would lose their job, miss out on travel experiences, or even be kept out of businesses they rely on. They should be free to choose whether or not to get the vaccine, free from any and all heavy-handed coercion or force! While quite a few governors have issued executive orders to halt the use of vaccine passports, state legislatures are starting to step up and pass bills that would prohibit anyone, such as big corporations, from refusing service to people based on their vaccination status. But Patriot, I’m afraid just a handful of states courageously stepping up may not be enough to head this tyranny off with so much at stake! Once a vaccine passport scheme is implemented, it will be incredibly difficult to break free. These people will not stop until we demand they stop and then stop complying with any of their mandates. Sign the petition at once! ![]() There are many hopeful signs with the complete loss of credibility of maniacal health bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci, but after a year of fear tactics and psychological abuse, the abuse of the general public through medical tyranny has been institutionalized. If vaccine passports become widespread, the very worst of the lies surrounding this pandemic will be made a permanent part of our lives. Americans are more than capable of making their own health decisions, and Congress needs to defend that right. It is their duty. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. It’s time for Congress to act. With airlines, sports teams, and even several states experimenting with a health certificate proving you’ve received the COVID shot through a vaccine passport smartphone app or other approved documents, it won’t be long before the federal government moves to either create a federal passport or offer states “incentives” to create one under “federally approved guidelines.” They will claim fifty different sets of laws creates too much confusion. That’s why it’s critical you and I take action against this tyranny NOW -- before it’s too late! Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators and Representative demanding they pass legislation to ban any federal vaccine passport scheme. P.P.S. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2021 a historic year. Please consider a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual
liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and
grassroots mobilization. |