Our latest Ed Equity Talk will take place on June 10, 2021 3 P.M. EDT
CORRECTION: the first email that we sent out had the incorrect spelling of Kimberle' Crenshaw's name within the subject line. We apologize.
Register now for the next in our #EdEquityTalks series, "Intersectionality in Action: A Conversation with Professor KimberléCrenshaw." Professor Crenshaw is well known for her foundational work around intersectionality and critical race theory; in our latest #EdEquityTalks event, she will share how she is advancing conversations about intersectionality in our communities and nation.
Incoming Nellie Mae Interim President and CEO Dr. Gislaine N. Ngounou will host this critical conversation about the work that Professor Crenshaw is leading as Executive Director of the African American Policy Forum, and through efforts like the #SayHerName campaign and Black Girls Matter initiative that center the experiences of Black women and girls. Learn about what critical race theory and intersectionality look like in action in public education, and how funders can use these lessons to inform their work. Register now for June 10, 2021.