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Just News

for May 27, 2021

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


NCRC Selects 30 Organizations For First Round Of $5 Million Grant Fund
Supported by Morgan Stanley, the $5 million Field Empowerment Fund provides unrestricted grants to NCRC members to respond to the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. [Read more]

NCRC Applauds The Confirmation Of Kristen Clarke To Head The Civil Rights Division Of The Department Of Justice
I would like to congratulate Assistant Attorney General Clarke on her confirmation and am confident that she will lead the Civil Rights Division with the same vision, determination and commitment to justice that she has exemplified for her entire career. [Read more]


COVID-19 Showed The Need For Paid Leave & Wage Increases For Working Women Of Color
By Jamie Buell and Sally Sim
Women of color are, unfortunately, at the center of economic inequality and most in need of paid leave and wage increases. [Read more]

COVID-19’S Toll On Mental Health
By Christina Miller
How is your stress level? Are you feeling anxious? If you answered pretty high or yes, you are not alone. The pandemic’s impact on mental health is significant and well-documented. [Read more]

Field Notes

Viruses Know No Borders. Vaccines Shouldn’t Either.
By Monica Grover
As an Indian American, my family has experienced the worst of this pandemic in two countries. For any of us to be safe, we all need vaccine equity. [Read more]

How To Take Charge Of Your Finances
By Cindy Hounsell
April is Financial Literacy Month. You might be thinking, who cares? Well, how about using it to take a first financial step to learn something new. [Read more]


Landis’s Lease-To-Own Model & Black Homeownership
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad 
For most Americans, homeownership is the greatest wealth-building asset. However, Black homeownership continues to significantly lag behind White homeownership. This brief explores the potential for Landis, a lease-to-own homeownership company, to make homeownership more accessible for African Americans. [Read More]

The COVID Pandemic And Its Impacts On Culturally-Significant Businesses
By Sabiyha Prince, Ph.D., Jad Edlebi, Bruce C. Mitchell, Ph.D., and Jason Richardson
In the American public sphere today, there is a lot of talk about culture and its significance in our everyday lives. In U.S. urban centers, the loss of traits that make communities unique and meaningful, particularly to long-term residents, is often due to the impacts of gentrification, redlining, environmental injustices, and the lack of sustained, community-based investment. [Read More]


Forum & Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our forum and member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

2021 Fair Lending Tool
Use our interactive tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]

In the News

Report: Racial Wealth Gap, Discrimination Block Minority Businesses from Financing
By Yawu Miller, The Bay State Banner
Matos noted that the National Community Reinvestment Coalition has for years conducted tests where it sends pairs of individuals with identical profiles — one white, one a person of color — to lending institutions. The disparate results have suggested discrimination exists across the board. [Read More]

‘Diabolical and wrong’: Wells Fargo, other banks finance predatory lenders that can charge over 400% interest in minority communities
By David Schechter, Jason Trahan and Chance Horner, FOX West Texas
Data that Wells Fargo shares with the federal government that was analyzed by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition show the bank makes relatively few loans to low- to moderate-income borrowers in Dallas County. [Read More]

How CDFIs Can Maximize Their Impact On The Country's Economic Recovery
By Jorge Sun, Forbes
In a study akin to a “mystery shopper” experiment, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition found discrimination throughout multiple phases of the loan application process. [Read More]

On Our Radar

Biggest U.S. bank CEOs grilled over profits and priorities
By Kate Marino, Axios
The CEOs of the six biggest U.S. banks gathered before the Senate Banking Committee on Wednesday for the first time since the financial crisis in 2008 to face questions over their institutions' roles in American life. [Read More]

Keeping the expanded child tax credit would help 65.6 million American kids
By Carmen Reinicke, CNBC
Continuing the expanded child tax credit, which is set to expire after 2021, would help millions of American children, including lifting some out of poverty, according to new research. [Read More]

WATCH: Race Matters — America After George Floyd | A PBS NewsHour Special
By PBS Newshour
In the special “Race Matters: America after George Floyd,” PBS NewsHour anchor and managing editor Judy Woodruff and our reporters talk to people and experts across the country about the lasting effects of systemic racism, the lingering distrust between communities of color and law enforcement, the trauma that remains for so many and what the future looks like. [Read More]
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