At least eight people are dead after a deadly mass shooting in San Jose, CA yesterday. The gunman opened fire on his workplace and killed his colleagues. We remember their names:
Paul Delacruz Megia, 42
Taptejdeep Singh, 36
Adrian Balleza, 29
Jose Dejesus Hernandez, 35
Timothy Michael Romo, 49
Michael Joseph Rudometkin, 40
Abdolvahab Alaghmandan, 63
Lars Kepler Lane, 63
Alex Ward Fritch, 49
Americans have been senselessly murdered once again. Families have lost loved ones – and as a gun violence survivor, I know the unbearable tragedy that these families are now faced with. And this community will never be the same.
We don’t know the weapon that was used in this shooting, but we know that military-style assault weapons are consistently the weapon of choice for mass shooters because they are designed for mass destruction — to kill as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. And we know what needs to be done: We have to get these weapons of war off our streets.