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Dear Fellow Patriot,

Hollywood wants your guns.

Coastal elite liberals like George Clooney are raising MILLIONS to lobby for gun control. 

They think they’re smarter than us “dumb rednecks” in “flyover country,” and that they can tell us how to live. 

I will never let a grown man who wears makeup for a living take my guns, and if you’re with me, I’m asking you to contribute to my U.S. Senate campaign today

George Clooney doesn’t want you to have guns to protect your life, liberty, and property. 

But he has armed guards. He doesn’t have to worry about his safety. 

It’s the same double standard over and over again for these liberal sissies: rules for thee, but not for me. 

But they’re pouring money into the effort to strip us of our rights, and I need your financial support today to fight fire with fire

Tell George Crony and his fancy liberal friends that you’ll never relinquish your God-given Second Amendment rights, by contributing generously to my election campaign today.

I’m the proud owner of a gun range here in Arkansas.

It is my life’s work, and I’ll be damned if some Hollywood leftist who’s never even held a firearm thinks he’s going to infringe upon my rights -- or yours. 

And by the way -- George Clooney and his elite Hollywood friends support Antifa and Black Lives Matter -- the groups that are burning, looting, rioting, and even killing all over America. 

If our Second Amendment disappears, we will be prey for these far-left terrorists who are wreaking havoc, and I need your financial support today to stop that from happening

The Hollywood socialites will be just fine behind their walled-off mansions and with their armed guards. 

Regular people like you and I are paying the price for the violent mobs they promote, all while they try to stop us from defending ourselves. 

We can’t let it happen. 

A $10 or $25 contribution to my U.S. Senate campaign today will help me ensure that Hollywood and the Communist Democrats in Washington can’t team up to leave you defenseless in the face of the mob.

If you’re blessed to give more -- whether it’s $100, $250, or anything up to the federal maximum of $2800 -- please contribute right away to help me fight for your God-given Second Amendment as we beat back the violent left-wing revolutionaries and the out-of-touch Hollywood elites who promote it.

Thanks in advance for telling Hollywood to back off, and helping me save your Second Amendment. 

In Liberty,

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

P.S. Hollywood liberals are teaming up with Democrat politicians to force gun control down our throats. 

Show these elite liberals that real Americans will never surrender our rights with a contribution to my U.S. Senate campaign today

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