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Dear Friends,
We invite you to join us for our upcoming intellectual retreat, which will take place in New York City, August 13 & 14. The retreat’s theme is solidarity. Discussions will take place in private rooms at the Union League Club, and will be led by faculty from Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts (formerly Northeast Catholic College). 

As we emerge from this year of plague and protest, let us come together in community and contemplate the principles that bind society together. Participants will have the opportunity to step away from contemporary partisan disputes and consider questions that transcend our news cycle. In these seminars, participants will reflect on fundamental questions of ultimate significance.
There are no academic prerequisites or expertise required to participate. If you enjoy reading FIRST THINGS or discussing the kinds of ideas found in our pages, then this event is right for you.

You can view the retreat schedule, curriculum, and registration information here. Space is limited. I hope to see you in August.


R. R. Reno, Editor
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