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"Like many, when I lost my job at the beginning of the pandemic, I wasn’t sure how my family was going to survive. As someone new to the United States, I started questioning my decision to move my family here and whether we would have been better off staying in Syria. My worries were alleviated when a generous case worker at ACCESS took on our case and treated us like we were family. She led me to help that I didn’t know was available. Thanks to our ACCESS case worker, we received unemployment benefits, food and basic needs, and even got furniture for our home and clothes and school supplies for our kids. It was only because of ACCESS that we were able to keep our house and furnish it, so it finally felt like home. Our kids felt secure enough about our future to focus on school, and I was able to commute to a job that our case worker helped me get.”
– Anwar Fahed, Recipient of ACCESS Emergency Basic Needs Fund in 2020
Every day, your support makes stories like Anwar’s possible. The lives of thousands of families in our community, just like the Fahed family, were transformed last year because of the contributions of people like you. As we continue witnessing a sharp increase in the number of people turning to us after struggling to make ends meet, your continued support allows us to keep responding and offering a helping hand anywhere we can to uplift those suffering. From providing food, shelter, utility, hygiene products, job assistance, COVID-19 testing and vaccinations to offering mental health assistance, counseling, ESL, academic support to underserved students and dinner meals to children at risk of food insecurity, our work ensures our community has the help it needs to get through this unprecedented challenge. But we cannot do it alone; your support makes all this possible and keeps our doors open even in the hardest of times.

Without the generosity of people like you, Anwar and his family would still be struggling. Now, they have a new beginning and a hopeful future for their children. Through your generosity and dedication, numerous lives have been changed – we hope we can count on your commitment to continue impacting the lives of many more. Please give today.

Maha Freij
Executive Director
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