
"The Trump base is still devoted, they're still out of touch. They're still angry, they still want vengeance. He's not going away. There's nothing that says that he can't come back and run again and win next time, particularly with voter suppression laws. The courts have been filled by Trump appointees. If there isn't that sense of urgency if we don't understand what the opposition is, what they intend to do and what they're going to do with that power. Once they seize it. Once they come to power again, they're never going to let go. We can't let that happen."
American Fascism: How the GOP is Subverting Democracy w Brynn Tannehill
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Sam Goldman interviews Brynn Tannehill (@BrynnTannehill) about her new book American Fascism: How the GOP is Subverting Democracy.
Then, Coco Das and Sam talk to two local organizers with Refuse
Fascism chapters in Philadelphia and Texas, summing up their activism
under Trump and going forward.
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