If we lose New Hampshire, we lose control of the U.S. Senate. This is going to be a long, difficult race, and I’m going to need your help to keep this seat blue. Please split a contribution between my campaign and Jacky Rosen to defend our majority.

Jacky Rosen


I’m Maggie Hassan, U.S. Senator from New Hampshire. Senator Rosen said I could reach out to you today about our fight to protect the Democratic Senate majority.

In 2016, I won one of the closest Senate races in history by only 1,017 votes. Now, I’m running for reelection -- and I’m asking supporters like you to join me and help keep this seat blue.

I first got involved in public service to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to succeed. I ran for office to make a difference for as many people who needed my help as I could. That’s the spirit I’m asking you to embrace by joining this campaign today.

But it’s not going to be easy to hold this seat. New Hampshire is a notoriously purple state, and I’m widely seen as one of the most vulnerable Democrats in 2022. When I unseated the Republican incumbent in 2016 it was the most expensive Senate race in state history.

If we lose New Hampshire, we lose control of the U.S. Senate. This is going to be a long, difficult race, and I’m going to need your help to keep this seat blue. Can you please split a $5 contribution between my campaign and Jacky Rosen to defend our majority?

With your help, we flipped the Senate -- making it possible to pass historic COVID-19 relief, help struggling families and small businesses, and expand access to health care. But if Republicans take control again, they could erase all our progress.

There’s too much at stake in the next election.

Please join us in this fight and split a $5 contribution between my campaign and Jacky Rosen to help protect this vulnerable seat -- and our Democratic Senate majority.

Thank you so much for your support.

With every good wish,

Maggie Hassan


