to prep volunteers to
lobby for carbon price
As we make the big push to include carbon pricing in climate legislation that moves forward in this Congress, our June 12 conference is designed to help you be an effective advocate for this powerful tool, which can put us on track to reach net zero emissions by 2050. In addition to the stellar lineup of keynote speakers — Jerry Taylor, Jasmine Sanders and Adele Morris — our breakout sessions feature a wide range of people and organizations who will talk about why they support carbon pricing. You can choose to hear from faith groups, mayors, doctors, students, outdoorsmen, labor unions or environmental justice advocates. The conference also includes the option to attend one of four Sunday seminars. Two of these sessions are new this year: Energy Innovation Act: Messaging and Policy Details, and Understanding the Conservative Perspective—Critical to Achieve the Mission. Something else that’s new this year: "We're using Airmeet as our conference platform this June,” said Alison Kubicsko, CCL’s National Events Manager. “It has more opportunity for attendees to connect to each other, and it will allow for much easier transitions between conference sessions." Join Alison and CCL’s Amy Bennett for a Q&A next Tuesday to learn more about what you can expect at the virtual June conference and procedures for lobbying the week following the conference.
In other news this week: More cosponsors for H.R. 2307: Since last week, two more House members have signed on as cosponsors for the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act: Rep. John Yarmuth (KY-03) and Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-02). You can tweet your appreciation to them and other cosponsors with CCL’s online action tool. CCL submits testimony: Late last month, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing about climate challenges and the tax code. CCL submitted testimony for the record about the benefits of carbon pricing, such as more quality jobs in clean energy and jobs created from the distribution of the carbon dividend. Read more. Want to work for CCL? Citizens’ Climate Lobby is still accepting applications to fill three positions: Director of Government Affairs, Conservative Outreach Coordinator, and Action and Endorsement Coordinator. |