
Of all the new conservative members of Congress elected last year, Nancy Pelosi loathes conservative women the most.  Between my race and my friend, Mariannette, Nancy and her Socialist allies spent nearly $25 million in 2020 to keep us out of Congress. 

Nancy knew she couldn’t CONTROL US.  We’re fighting her tyrannical rule every day.  Because of that, Nancy just fined us both. . .$500.
Mariannette and I took a stand against Pelosi’s arbitrary, unnecessary, and non-science-based demands that masks must be worn on the floor of the House of Representatives.  Pelosi’s mask mandate is a form of control and an example of how Democrats care about only one thing. . .forcing us to OBEY THEM.

WE’RE NOT TAKING IT AND WE’RE FIGHTING BACK!  Not only because this is utter nonsense, but because we’re also fighting a larger battle and that is against Pelosi’s demands that the American people be controlled and pushed into place.
John, please know Mariannette and I will continue to push back on Pelosi for issues both small and large. We cannot allow the Socialists any space for their radical agenda against the American people.  We all know, if the Socialists get an inch, they will take ten miles.

But we need our grassroots American standing with us now!

Thank you for standing with us and against Pelosi’s tyranny.  WE CAN have a stronger, more prosperous, and more free America, free from Pelosi’s rule.  But we must stand together to make that happen!

Thank you,
Representative Mariannette                  Representative Beth Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress