All politics is local.
In June 2020, Portland, Maine residents passed a referendum to establish a Charter Commission to review and recommend changes to Portland’s municipal Charter, or Portland’s “constitution.”
There are four elected At-large Commissioner seats open, and we are proud to endorse both Nasreen Sheikh-Yousef and Marpheen Chann for these seats.

Nasreen is a Black immigrant woman who has been an active advocate for justice and equality in Portland. She will be a voice for Black, Indigenous, and people of color, immigrants, unhoused folks, and the LGBTQ+ communities in Portland that are impacted by the city charter.
Marpheen is a civil and human rights advocate who cares deeply about the future of the city and its residents. He led the Cambodian Community Association of Maine’s COVID-19 response as president and has advocated for affordable housing for LGBTQ+ people as a member of the Equality Community Center board.
Help elect these two incredible candidates on June 8th!
Yours in the movement,
Anne Flomenhaft
Political Coordinator
New American Leaders Action Fund
P.S. Want to help us empower even more New American candidates and build a democracy that represents and includes all people? Donate $10, $20, $50, or whatever you can!