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Write the Laws lives in the Senate!

Senator Rand Paul has reintroduced the Write the Laws Act in the Senate! The new bill number is S. 84.

That makes three of our bills that have been introduced in the Senate, and one in the House. The two other bills are...

Agenda Setters is on a roll! The combined impact of these bills would be powerful. 

  • One Subject would prevent Congressional leaders from clustering unrelated legislation. 
  • Read the Bills would require Congress to read every word of every law they want to pass and post it online for you to read before the vote. 
  • Write the Laws would require Congress to debate and either accept or reject every rule crafted by Executive Branch bureaucrats. 

Government growth would slow. Bad measures would have less chance of being passed. Unelected bureaucrats would lose the power to impose dictates on you. Passing these bills would also set the stage for even deeper reforms. 

Our ability to create legislation and get it introduced in Congress is a rare and valuable thing. It deserves appreciation. But now we're ready to go beyond that. 

  • We have two strategies that will combine to pass these bills - The 300 and Option Activism
  • We're about to launch a major outreach campaign to 200,000 potential supporters. Stay tuned for further development

You can help! If you haven't joined The 300 for the Write the Laws Act, do so now...

Join The 300 for WTLA

Please also contribute or start a monthly pledge to help fund our big recruitment push. Your donation is our budget. 

Set your own agenda, 

Jim Babka, President
Agenda Setters by Downsize DC

Today's Action: Become one of The 300 Agenda Setters for Write the Laws
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