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Commit to creating LGBTQ-inclusive schools.


Today the US Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments on three cases that ask whether or not federal law protects employees from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. 

If the court rules that protection on the basis of sex does not encompass sexual orientation and gender identity, existing federal protections for LGBTQ people could be stripped away and open the door for legalized discrimination. 

John, at moments like this your support is critical to helping GLSEN stand with LGBTQ teachers and students. Can we count on you?

If the Trump administration wins, LGBTQ educators, administrators, other school-based professionals, and LGBTQ people at large would be left without protections in more than half of the U.S.—they could be fired just for being themselves. That’s bad enough in itself, but the impact on LGBTQ youth could be catastrophic.

Research shows that the presence of one supportive adult saves lives for LGBTQ youth. Losing these educator role models will have an exponential effect on millions of LGBTQ students across the country. Because when educators aren’t safe at work, they can’t be there for the students who need them most. 

John, please make a donation today to help support LGBTQ educators and students. It is urgent that we act quickly and stand together.

Right now GLSEN is:

  • Activating young people nationwide to pre-register to vote in 2020 and organize their local
  • Collaborating with the ACLU. GLSEN Educator of the Year Stephanie Byers will speak at a press conference this morning on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to share her story as an out transgender educator and the impact being herself had on the students she
  • Partnering with the American Association of School Administrators and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, to disseminate a comprehensive “Know Your Rights” and FAQ newsletter to educators and administrators under
  • Sending notes of thanks and support from students to LGBTQ educators nationwide.

Name, your donation today will help GLSEN advocate on behalf of and provide critical support to teachers and students across the country.

Thank you for standing with us,

Eliza Byard, GLSEN Executive Director