Hi Friend,

This week, President Biden will release his full budget proposal for fiscal year 2022, including further details on his infrastructure plan.

But what, exactly, is considered infrastructure?

For most, the answer would be roads, bridges, airports, and such. But if you ask Democrats like AOC and Senator Elizabeth Warren, they consider it anything under the sun—from free college to Green New Deal-style proposals.

Do you think the infrastructure package should include NON-infrastructure-related items?

Every spending bill is a good opportunity to pay close attention to our national priorities and how our government spends our money. Reigning in spending and concern for our nation's financial future have been on the backburner for too long. 

President Biden’s infrastructure package will increase our national debt, raise taxes, make us less competitive with other nations, and, most likely, result in job losses among working-class Americans.

Share your thoughts on the infrastructure plan by taking this quick 1-question poll.


Heather Madden