
George Floyd. That was his name. He was a son. He was a father. He was a brother. And we failed him. Not just Derek Chauvin — he was to blame. But we all bear responsibility for a system in America that allows this to happen every day.

We cannot fall short at this moment. Millions of Americans took to the streets in one of the greatest demonstrations for justice that we've had in the history of our nation to say enough. Enough with the deaths of Black people at the hands of police. And they followed it up by making their voices heard at the ballot box, creating the biggest opportunity for policing reform in over a decade.

And we know we need change — at the federal level, in state governments, and in local communities.

America has a painful history — and, frankly, a painful present. Regardless of our race or ethnicity, we have ideals in this country about equal justice under the law and liberty and justice for all that are not being fulfilled.

This anniversary is filled with anguish. People feel heartbroken not just from the murder of George Floyd, but from knowing there are so many victims and families who have been denied justice. That's why I'm working now with such determination and urgency.

We need to show that Americans still want meaningful, impactful policing reform. Sign my petition if you agree.


Stay hopeful and steadfast — we will get this done. Thank you for taking action.

— Cory