In Search of Safety

Facebook Live Series

Join USCRI for the third installment of the #InSearchofSafety Facebook Live Series. Hila Moss, Managing Attorney, and AnnaMarie Bena, Vice President, USCRI, will continue the conversation on the journey of Unaccompanied Children through the U.S. immigration system this Thursday May 27th at 2pm EST. 

Join us on Facebook Live
About the speakers:

AnnaMarie Bena is responsible for overall management, growth, and quality service delivery of USCRI’s programs for unaccompanied immigrant children, including residential care program, unaccompanied minors post-release and home study services; legal services program; and trafficking survivors support programs. Her portfolio includes USCRI’s policy and advocacy unit. AnnaMarie brings over 20 years of experience working on refugee and immigrant issues. Most recently, she served as the Director of Policy in the Office of Refugee Resettlement. She also has worked for UNHCR, the HHS Office of the General Counsel and CLINIC. AnnaMarie holds a J.D. from the University of Notre Dame and a B.S. in journalism from the University of Maryland. AnnaMarie served for two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon.

Hila Moss
 joined USCRI in November 2015 as a Staff Attorney with the Nuevo Comienzo, unaccompanied minor program, in the North Carolina field office. In March of 2019, she was promoted to Managing Attorney and currently oversees USCRI’s legal department. Before joining USCRI, Hila worked at a small non-profit providing legal representation to unaccompanied minors and asylum seekers in North Carolina. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies from Appalachian State University and a Juris Doctorate from Campbell Law School.
*USCRI's "In Search of Safety" Facebook Live Series will be taking place every Thursday starting May 13 through June 10. 
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