Dear John,
By now you’ve heard that the Supreme Court will hear the Jackson Women's Health case involving Mississippi’s unconstitutional 15-week abortion ban. This decision follows an unprecedented surge in state bills restricting abortion care, with over 500 introduced since January.
The goal of these coordinated efforts is to gut and overturn Roe v. Wade. We must do everything we can to fight these vicious attacks. But just protecting Roe is not enough, our work must go beyond legality to ensure access exists for those who need it.
PRH is working with physicians around the country—from Texas to North Carolina to Mississippi—to push back on these onerous restrictions, increase abortion access, and stop the shaming of people who need essential health care. Check out a few highlights from this month below.
As attacks on abortion escalate, your support is critical to mobilizing physician advocates to do even more to secure reproductive health care for all people.
In partnership,
Dr. Jamila Perritt, President & CEO
Texas governor signs law that bans abortion as early as 6 weeks
After the Governor of Texas signed one of the most dangerous abortion bans into law, Board Member Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi spoke to ABC News about the impact on patients. SB 8 bans abortion before most people even know they’re pregnant and targets, punishes, and penalizes Texas abortion providers.
SCOTUS will hear case on Mississippi law threatening Roe v. Wade
Board Chair Dr. Kristyn Brandi spoke to Glamour about the Supreme Court’s decision to hear a Mississippi abortion ban case and how it could impact access across the country.
Watch: Dr. Perritt talks impact of abortion restrictions on patients’ lives
President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perritt appeared on BNC News to discuss how anti-abortion restrictions are egregious attempts to control patients’ health and their futures.
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North Carolina health care professionals condemn state’s proposed abortion ban
In an open letter to legislative leaders in North Carolina, published in NC Policy Watch, our local physician advocates and other health care professionals condemn the anti-abortion legislation moving in the state.