May 25, 2021
SHARK has documented disgusting conditions and suffering animals at the new "Tiger King" park in Thackerville, OK. You can read about our previous work in THIS article.
• The federal government sued the zoo, owned by Jeff and Lauren Lowe, and forced the Lowes to give up 68 of their big cats. As soon as we found out when the cats were going to be moved, we rushed to OK with our drone and filmed the transfer.
SHARK's drone filmed workers sedating and moving big cats at the "Tiger King" zoo

Steve Hindi, President of the animal welfare organization SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness), said his group was flying their drone over Tiger King Park while federal officials confiscated 68 big cats earlier this week. The big cats were the only animals at the park that authorities were authorized to confiscate because they're protected by the Endangered Species Act. Hindi said after officials loaded the big cats on Tuesday, they left the rest of the animals behind. The animals remaining at Tiger King Park include wolves, tortoises, emus, a camel, horses, burros, a goat, monkeys, caracals, bobcats, foxes and others.
Some animals at Tiger King Park have been released into the surrounding properties. Neighbors have reported seeing an albino raccoon, a porcupine and a peacock.
“It is a real mess and we are very concerned,” Hindi said.
When we realized we needed to be in Oklahoma immediately, we got there. That's what we do. Our work is extraordinarily effective - but it costs a lot to get it done right. We ask for your support by making a generous donation today. No one does what SHARK does, and we can't do it without your help.

Kentucky State Police - Corrupt as $#&T

Oklahoma Cockfight Location Exposed!
If you support our efforts again animal abuse, then please consider making a generous donation. The on-the-ground effort against cockfighting, pigeon shooting, rodeos, zoos and more means hundreds and hundreds of hours crisscrossing the country. This is real field work. It is difficult and often dangerous, not to mention expensive, but if there is to be success, this is how it has to be done.
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