Dear John, President Biden and congressional Democrats are racing to pass a radical, wasteful, and completely partisan $4 TRILLION “infrastructure” scheme, most of which has nothing to do with roads, bridges, and tunnels. It would be one of the biggest expansions of the size, scope, and power of the federal government in history, and it would be paid for with a $4 TRILLION tax hike. John, CAGW urgently needs your emergency financial support to build a public outcry against Biden’s radical “infrastructure” boondoggle. Here is what the Biden infrastructure scam would mean for America: - Hundreds of billions of dollars for programs completely unrelated to traditional infrastructure. Under Biden’s plan, every conceivable liberal priority, from childcare to senior living facilities, has been redefined as an “infrastructure” project.
- The largest tax increase in generations. Biden’s claim that only those who make more than $400,000 would pay more in taxes from his $4 trillion tax hike is a lie. His plan would force American families and small businesses to pay more of their hard-earned money to the government just as the economy is recovering from the pandemic.
- Billions of dollars will be given away to liberal special interests and pet projects, including handouts to big labor unions and funding to implement the Green New Deal.
- More unnecessary and wasteful deficit spending. This plan is five times bigger than the massively wasteful Obama-Biden “stimulus” and it comes on top of more than $5.7 trillion that has already been allocated for COVID-19 “relief.”
I know that when the American people find out what is in Biden’s plan, there is no way they will stand for it ever becoming law. That’s why I urgently need to ask you for an emergency contribution to support CAGW’s campaign to build public opposition to Biden’s big “infrastructure” scam. Your support will be critical in two ways. First, your contribution will enable us to rally citizens from all over the country by broadcasting how much Biden’s “infrastructure” plan will personally cost them and how it will be wasted on dead-end, liberal pet projects. Second, your financial support will make it possible for CAGW to go toe-to-toe with the well-funded, entrenched special interests who would personally benefit from Biden’s scheme. John, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to ram this plan through by July 4, so we have a critical window of time right now to marshal the overwhelming demonstration of public support needed to stop this massive expansion of the size, scope, and power of the federal government. But we urgently need your financial support to succeed. Please, before you do anything else today, make your largest tax-deductible contribution of $25.00, $50.00, or even $75.00. We must win this fight to stop a massive expansion of the size, scope and power of the federal government. Thank you in advance for your support. Sincerely,  Thomas A. Schatz President |