Dear John,

So many opportunities for climate action! Would you want to invite a friend to join our Letter Writing Party tomorrow or our chapter meeting this Saturday?

CCL DC Chapter Meeting - October 12
Our October meeting will cover lobbying in Congress, outreach at schools, and our next event with Busboys and Poets. 

What: CCL DC Chapter Meeting
When: Oct 12, 1:45pm
Where: Cleveland Park Library (Metro - Red Line)
RSVP: CCL DC Meeting

CCL holds a webinar with a climate expert to provide new insights every month. Join this watch-party with the DC chapter to expand your climate outlook!

Speaker:  As vice president of Students for Carbon Dividends, Kiera O’Brien is working to harness that passion among young conservatives to generate political will for carbon dividends legislation. Polling that shows younger GOP voters are as concerned about climate change as their progressive counterparts.

What: CCL Webinar Watch Party

When: Saturday Oct 12, 12:45-1:45pm

Where: Cleveland Park Library (Metro - Red Line)


RSVP: Webinar Watch Party
Get together with CCL to write letters to the editor about climate change!

Where: 2480 16th St NW
When: Oct 9, 6-8pm
RSVP: Letter Writing Party
Climate advocates are helping get the word out to a geographically-diverse demographic at Lincoln Memorial this Saturday. And you can help! Sign up for a 2 hour shift between 10-4. New volunteers will receive training and are encouraged to come.
What: Climate Outreach to Visitors at Lincoln Memorial
When: Oct 19, 10am-4pm (3 shifts)
Where: Lincoln Memorial
RSVP: Lincoln Memorial
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