Welcome to Tuesday, May 25th, tubs and showers...


In 2020, U.S. women earned 81 cents per dollar earned by men. This gap widened for women of color, who earned 75 cents per dollar earned by white men.

According to data by PayScale, women are making 82 cents for every dollar a man makes in 2021.

However, it's possible that this one-cent gain is attributable to lower-paid women leaving the workforce due to layoffs or the need to provide family care during the pandemic. In fact, women's labor force participation is currently at a 33-year low due to more women taking on caretaker roles at home due to remote schooling.

In the current session of Congress, the Paycheck Fairness Act would revise existing enforcement mechanisms to prevent wage discrimination based on gender. It would also make it easier for employees to sue for gender-based wage discrimination unless pay differences are related to education, training, or experience.

It passed the Democrat-controlled House on a party-line vote of 217-210 but is unlikely to move through the Senate in its current form.

Do you believe wage discrimination against women is a problem in 2021?

Biden & GOP Continue Infrastructure Negotiations 

The Biden administration recently released a new counteroffer in the ongoing negotiations over a bipartisan infrastructure compromise with Republicans.

While the latest offer moved the two sides slightly closer together, there remains considerable separation between them.

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The White House on Friday reduced its physical infrastructure proposal to $1.7 trillion. But Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), one of several GOP senators leading negotiations, argued there continues "to be vast differences between the White House and Senate Republicans when it comes to the definition of infrastructure, the magnitude of proposed spending, and how to pay for it.”

Should there be a bipartisan compromise on infrastructure spending?

Thank A Nurse, Make A Video

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, it reinforced the need to further support the nursing profession across all levels. As a thank you for nurses’ heroic efforts, NursesEverywhere launched the “You Didn’t Have To – Thank a Nurse, Wear a Mask” campaign, in collaboration with country music duo Brown & Gray, to memorialize this pivotal moment in the profession’s history.

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Now, we're helping NursesEverywhere spread the word about their #ThankANurseContest: click here, and send your own video(s) and song(s) showcasing what nurses mean to you.

All The Memes Fit To Post



And, In The End...

Before COVID-19 and hand sanitizer, there was "Hands Across America," which occurred on this date in 1986.

Elbow bump across America anyone?

—Josh Herman

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