Governor DeSantis Signs SB 7072: Crackdown on Social Media Companies
Dear John,
Today was another HUGE legislative win for Florida! Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 7072 into law which is meant to punish tech companies that are accused of policing conservative thought.?
The legislation aims to stop social media companies from "de-platforming" political candidates.?
The bill gives the state's election commission power to fine media companies up to $250,000 a day for "de-platforming" any candidate for statewide office and $25,000 per day for de-platforming candidates for non-statewide offices.?

YOU helped make this possible!
Thank YOU, our members in Florida, for your activism, emails, and phone calls through this process to ensure the passage of this bill. Thanks to you, Governor DeSantis has stood up to the Big Tech companies.?

To support our effort, now underway in multiple states to preserve America, please click here and become a patriot partner.?
We are now working on multiple bills in multiple states. We send specific action alerts targeting a specific state as we work on these bills. Please make sure you forward our emails to your friends across the country and urge them to sign up to receive our action alerts so they can be notified to take action specific to their state.?
ACT For America's work is not more important than ever and I hope I can count on you to stand with us as a monthly supporter
so we can plan our national strategy as we fight to preserve ur country. This will enable us to plan what resources we are able to designate to expand our legislative work in states across the country.?
As we always say here at ACT: "When everyone does a little, together we accomplish a lot!"
Let's keep winning!?