Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:
Last night at our monthly meeting we elected our DSA convention delegates. Tom Julstrom will be our delegate, and Angel Dobrow will be our alternate. This will be a more difficult week long convention in some ways because it is all online, so I want to thank them for stepping up.
We also endorsed two city council candidates, Azrin Awal for At-Large, and Mike Mayou for District 2. They both impressed us with good knowledge of city problems and a serious commitment to justice. Both of them are chapter members as well! Be sure to check out their websites, as they need volunteers and donations. You can find Azrin's at, and you can find Mike's at .
Tim Johnson from Twin Cities DSA put together these nice endorsement graphics for us.

For events this week:
Friday, at 5:30 pm, the racial justice working group meets. Email Lydia Goustin at [email protected] to get a link.
Saturday, at 5 PM UMD YDSA hosts its third political education event. Open to the public. Register here.
We have other news to share about Line 3 and the Racial Justice Working Group, but they deserve their own emails, so expect those soon.
In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary