Phil Murphy for New Jersey


With the June 8 Democratic primary just over two weeks away, our campaign is moving into high gear to share Gov. Murphy’s message with voters all throughout our state.

As we grow our grassroots campaign from the ground up, we want to make sure your input is included.

Will you take a few moments today to complete our short priorities survey? Your answers will help guide our strategy as we head into the final days of this primary >>


While our potential Republican opponents are busy running million-dollar ad campaigns filled with misleading information and competing to see who can be the most like Donald Trump, we’re focused on building a community-driven, grassroots campaign that will help us win.

That means making sure everyone has a voice in our campaign.

So friend, please take a few moments today to complete our short survey and share your input with Gov. Murphy and our campaign team >>


Thanks for all you do,

— Team Murphy