You are receiving this newsletter because you either participated in The World's Smallest Political Quiz, a Single Issue Survey, or the Human Respect Test on Then (probably because you're open-minded), you subscribed so that you could discover unique, peaceful solutions - the kind that are not covered on TV or in your browser's feed.
The Exit Network specializes in reporting on the Conflict Machine - a better, more descriptive term for our politics. Essentially, the media presents issues such that they pit neighbor against neighbor, in a divide and conquer fashion.
Splitting us up into two teams keeps everything simple for the media conflict model. But are there really just two ways to address every single social problem?
The World's Smallest Political Quiz has shown tens of millions of people a one-dimensional, left-right line is insufficient to explain the diversity of political values and approaches available to you. It requires about 2 minutes to take The Quiz. Here's the link.
And if you value getting solutions that don't conform to the narrow interests of the Conflict Machine, please Tip us. Contributions to Advocates for Self-Government are tax-deductible.