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Extremist Critiques Prove Biden's Sensible Climate Approach
Biden's biggest climate policy critics all have one thing in common – they come from the extreme ends of the political spectrum. Read Paul Bledsoe's latest analysis of how the chorus of critics prove the moderate pragmatism of Biden's climate plan.

→ Attacks from far-right and far-left only prove Biden's energy plan occupies sensible center by Paul Bledsoe, The Hill
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> Bridging the Broadband Divide 

There is no mistaking it, getting every American hooked up to high-speed internet is an issue of national importance, and lawmakers seem to finally be serious about getting it dialed in. PPI Executive Director Lindsay Lewis presents a surprisingly simple path forward.  

> Groundhog Day 

Not the film with Bill Murray. PPI President Will Marshall discusses the sad, predictable cycle of intermittent violence unfolding in Gaza. 
→ The Hill


> Covid Behind Bars

Incarcerated women are a particularly vulnerable population in the United States, with many of them serving sentences while pregnant. A new report from PPI identifies action items to better protect the women behind bars from the coronavirus and improve inmate healthcare.
👂We're All Ears
Matt Gertz – not Gaetz – joins this week's episode to discuss Fox News and the right wing media's future.
Why is the left pushing for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire? The SPP crew discusses.
🗓 On the Calendar 
‼️ ICYMI ‼️

JOBS: The Future of Jobs in America

What will the future job market look like? Hear insight from top economists like PPI's Michael Mandel at this webinar presented by the Network for Responsible Public Policy.
📊 Don't Miss These PPI Reports
🔥 Hot Off the Press

> Work's Future

PPI Chief Economist Michael Mandel spotlights on HillTV to discuss the impact of 5G technology on the future of work in America.
→ HillTV

> Food Security Risks

Catch PPI Senior Fellow and hunger advocate Joel Berg on C-SPAN highlighting the impact of Covid-19 on food insecurity in America.

> Climate Complications

You may have heard the cost of used cars skyrocketed in April, but have you heard about their impact on global climate goals? PPI's Paul Bledsoe offers context in the latest reporting.
 Scientific American
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