Hi John,

I want to share a story about someone really important.

Twenty-seven years ago this summer, a young man approached me with a quite extraordinary request. He was a committed anti-fascist and he told me that he wanted to join the British National Party. He wanted to spy on them. 

Over the next decade this young man, who I’m going to call “Arthur”, operated at the heart of Britain’s far-right movements. He attended over 400 meetings, rallies and leafleting sessions, and gave us detailed reports of everyone he met, everything he saw and everything that was being planned.

The information Arthur supplied us, and the disinformation we sowed within the BNP through him, devastated the London branch of the party. In 1999, Arthur identified the London Nailbomber David Copeland after the police issued a CCTV image. While the police had no idea who the person was, Arthur did and linked him to the far right.

Simply put, Arthur is an antifacist hero.

This week, for the first time, Arthur’s story will be told. On Wednesday, Netflix are releasing a documentary, “Nail Bomber: Manhunt”, and in two weeks, HOPE not hate is releasing a new book, Codename: Arthur - The True Story Of The Anti-fascist Spy Who Identified The London Nailbomber.

The book will be available to buy next month but before then, we’re sending a free copy to all of our members as a thank you. If you’d like to become a member and get an early copy, totally free, just click here:

HOPE not hate is still working hard to track and disrupt the far right, just as Arthur did, and we’re able to do it because thousands of HOPE not hate chip in a few pounds a month to keep us going. I hope you’ll consider joining them.

Thank you,


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate