Still to Come This Week
Monday, May 24 // 4–5:30pm (ET)
The Free World is a cultural history of the early Cold War period, from the end of the Second World War to American military intervention in Vietnam. It covers literature, cinema, music, and the arts, both commercial and avant-garde, in the context of geopolitical developments and intellectual history. It emphasizes the international dimension of cultural exchange and the role economic and technological factors in determining what gets produced and how if is received.

Wednesday, May 26 // 10:30am–12pm (ET)
The so-called "fourth-wave" of feminism has centered a number of issues critical to women in Latin America: violence against women, reproductive autonomy, and equal representation across sectors, including government, to name a few. Join the Mexico Institute and the Latin American Program for a discussion on the legislative and political impact of feminist movements in Latin America.

Wednesday, May 26 // 1–2:30pm (ET)
Join Adriane Lentz-Smith, Eric Yellin, and Trygve Throntveit for a discussion of Woodrow Wilson's racial thought, policies, and legacies, and what we can learn from them today. What are some of the major events in Wilson's career that have led so many scholars to castigate him for his racism in recent years? What does Wilson's racism and the current public discourse around it tell us about the politics of race in America, in his day and ours?

Thursday, May 27 // 10–11am (ET)
Join us for a discussion with senior officials from key Antarctic Treaty states about current issues in Antarctic diplomacy and the future of the Antarctic Treaty System.

Thursday, May 27 // 11am–12pm (ET)
Facing one of the most challenging moments in Colombia’s history, Colombian President Iván Duque will engage in a wide-ranging conversation in an event co-hosted by the Wilson Center and the Inter-American Dialogue.