“The training offered by Race Forward helped me see racism not as one big monolith, but as a series of compounding injustices that can be dismantled one at a time.”
Dear Friend,
It's been one year since uprisings began across the country demanding accountability stemming from the multitude of police involved killings. It's been a year where more than ever before, white supremacy and racial biases in our institutions are explicitly being named as the culprits we need to address. As a movement we've made important strides in our collective racial justice work, but we need every person possible to be working toward creating the long lasting transformative change we need to see.
Gain the tools you need to talk about race constructively, counteract racial biases, and apply strategies to advance racial equity by attending our two-part training: Building Racial Equity (BRE) and Organizing Racial Equity: Shifting Power (ORE).
The Building Racial Equity series, developed by Race Forward, are interactive trainings for those who wish to challenge and change institutional racial inequities. This training will introduce participants to concepts, frames, and tools essential to a productive racial equity practice. Participants will build on and strengthen racial equity practices for themselves, their organization, and their networks.
Organizing Racial Equity: Shifting Power is the second training of the series. This training will strengthen participants' collective analysis of power while providing useful tools and framework to shift power within groups, institutions and other formations seeking to advance racial justice in this time.
For scholarship applications and other questions, email the Building Racial Equity team at [email protected].
In Solidarity,
Race Forward’s BRE Team