We wanted to take a moment to share some of our movement's important accomplishments so far this year.

Friends -

In this crazy and complicated world it is easy to forget or get sidetracked. But please do not lose sight of one enormously important reality. In the last several years our progressive movement has made enormous progress which is helping to transform politics in the United States and even worldwide.

It was not long ago that people considered our ideas radical and fringe, and there were few elected officials prepared to fight for them. That has changed, big time. Today, poll after poll shows that our progressive agenda is extremely popular, there are bold voices in Congress and statehouses advocating for it, and many of our ideas are already being implemented across the country. That is thanks in no small part to the grassroots organizing that we've done together, both during our campaigns for president, and over the course of the past year.

That work continues today, which is why we wanted to take a moment to share some of our movement's important accomplishments so far this year. At a time when our country is facing more simultaneous crises than at any point in modern history, now is not the time to think small or retreat. Now, more than ever, we must commit to a bold progressive agenda focused on the needs of the working class, not the wealthy and large corporations. Now more than ever the fight for economic justice, racial justice, social justice and environmental justice must be accelerated.

You can read more about our accomplishments below. But first, if you're able, we'd like to ask if you can contribute to support the work ahead. As you know, we have been successful because our movement is funded by lots of people making small donations, so any amount you can give will make a big difference.

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to support our campaign's organizing efforts to create the transformative change our country needs at this moment? We would not ask if it were not so important.

Here are some of the ways that Bernie, you, and our movement are continuing to build progressive power nationwide:

In the months ahead, Bernie has some key fights he’s going to need your support for: fights to raise wages, pass a major jobs bill, combat climate change, expand Medicare, cut the defense budget, pass voting rights protections, bring immigration reform, and support progressive candidates up and down the ballot — and so much more.

As a U.S. senator Bernie is continuing to fight for our values in the Senate — but the truth is that he can't do it alone. We're all in this together. All of us need to be involved in order to create the transformative change this country desperately needs.

Please contribute $2.70 to support our campaign's organizing efforts to create the transformative change our country needs at this moment.

As Bernie always says, real change never happens from the top on down, but from the bottom on up. Your continued involvement is not just important to Bernie — it is critical to implementing our progressive agenda. So thank you for continuing to be a part of our movement.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie

Bernie is working hard to take our progressive message to working class families all across the country. If we are able to continue bringing working families together — Black, White, Latino, Native American and Asian American — there will be no stopping us.

Please make a contribution to stand with Bernie in expanding the progressive movement nationwide.