
When America was founded, abortion was legal and generally permitted across the nation. It wasn't until the mid-1800's that states began outlawing the procedure under most circumstances.

Even still, when SCOTUS (short hand for the Supreme Court of the United States, in case you didn't know) ruled in Roe vs. Wade, 17 states allowed legal abortion with most not requiring saving the woman's life for approval. So let's be clear, when we talk about the Roe vs. Wade ruling making abortion legal, what we really mean is that SCOTUS overturned state level abortion bans effectively making abortion legal nationwide.

This is important because now, SCOTUS announced this week it would hear an abortion case from Mississippi and thanks to Republican court packing which allowed Trump to seat three anti-choice Justices on the Supreme Court, the Roe decision is at risk of being overturned before the end of this year.

The impact would be felt immediately.

Ten states - Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, Missouri, Tennessee, South Dakota and Utah - have already passed a "trigger law" that automatically bans in-state abortions if SCOTUS overturns Roe. According to Planned Parenthood estimates, at least another 9 states are likely to act quickly to join them.

Here's the good news: Congress can stop abortion bans and protect a woman's right to choose nationwide right now by making the Roe decision into federal law.

Over 77% of Americans, including the majority of Republicans, support keeping abortion safe, legal, and rare. Both President Biden and Vice President Harris ran on a commitment to make Roe law. Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Schumer have the full support of Democrats in both Houses to make it law. They just need the courage to bring it to the floor and get the job done. 

Sign our petition calling on Congress to protect a woman's right to choose by making Roe federal law and keeping abortion safe, legal and rare nationwide.

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When states ban legal abortion, women die.

I can list stats year after year showing women dying because of an illegal abortion. For example, in 1930, 18% of maternal deaths were attributed to illegal abortions. Even in 1965, the lowest year on record, illegal abortions accounted for 1 out of 6 deaths during pregnancy or childbirth.

The record is even worse for women of color. A New York study in the 1960's exposed that while one in four childbirth-related deaths among white women was due to abortion; abortion accounted for one in two childbirth-related deaths among nonwhite and Puerto Rican women.

Think about that, women of color were 2 times more likely to die than white women.

We can't go back to a world where woman die in back alleys, motel rooms or in their own homes because of a botched unregulated illegal abortion gone wrong.

Tell Congress to protect women and the right to choose by making Roe federal law and keeping abortion safe, legal and rare. Please add your name now >>

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During the 2016 Presidential campaign Trump was asked if abortion was illegal, what should the punishment be for woman who have one even when a Doctor says termination is required to save the woman's life.

His answer: Jail time.

Make no mistake about what's happening. The Supreme Court could overturn Roe this year and woman's lives -- risking death and jail -- hang in the balance if Congress doesn't act. 

That's why we're doing everything we can to make Roe law now. Thank you for everything you're doing to support the fight. 

— Molly

Molly Goldberg
Development Manager
Democracy for America