Get your "VOTE DEMOCRAT" sticker!

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow says "Republicans have got their messaging cranked up to 3,000 on things that AREN'T HAPPENING AT ALL."

They are desperately trying to distract voters from their catastrophic failure at governing before voters go to the polls in 2022.

Don't let Republicans get away with it. Remind voters what matters everywhere you go with this sticker on your car, laptop, or notebook.

Will you join us in proudly displaying this sticker, chosen by PCCC members like you, to fight back against Republican fake-outrage and keep voter's eyes on the prize in 2022?

Get your "Like Jobs? Vote Democrat" sticker here.

Turn on images to see the sticker.

Proceeds help us fight voter suppression, elect progressives, and stop Republicans from taking over Congress in 2022.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. You can also donate directly to our work here!

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